About this service

LeadVertex.ru is a convenient CRM system for order processing with a possibility to build your own mini-CPA network.

In our system you can accept orders (including those from webmasters of your partner program), call clients right from admin panel and record all conversations. After approving orders you can pack them using necessary blanks and invoices and unload them to your courier service.

Right after being sent your orders will be tracked online in your admin panel and when parcel statuses change, you will be able to inform your clients automatically both by SMS and robo calling. Robot can define post office address and its working hours and tell these data to a client. This can increase buying-out of your projects.

You can provide your operators with access to the admin panel through their own usernames. Thus, you can organize the whole process from receiving a lead till an order buy-out on our service checking statistics on every business process.

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But please do not forget that we are always happy to answer your questions which you can not find in this instruction. Address to our support agents via telegram:

telegram: @leadvertex_support_bot

skype: leadvertex

Registered users can address to our technical support service via tickets. It is available on the upper panel in your account.

Our technical support service works 24/7.

After 20:00 MSK delay in responses is possible.

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Service LeadVertex.ru does not process or send orders however we cooperate with many courier and fulfillment services that will be pleased to take part of your functions upon themselves.

Also it is possible to use our robo calling to process orders.

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At first you need to register on our website (it is free) and choose a suitable tariff and create a project according to a chosen tariff. After that our specialists will set up incoming orders from your landing page to the admin panel of LeadVertex.ru and you will be able to start processing orders.

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We provide you with a partner program website where you can place all your offers and then look for webmasters on your own. It is possible to use a beautiful design for this website to advertise it on forums and attract traffic managers. But we do not provide clients with webmasters.

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Webmasters are not our registered users. Our users are advertisers and webmasters log in into a partner program to an advertiser and are a confidential base of an advertiser. Thus, when one advertiser adds a new offer, webmasters of other advertisers cannot see these offers.

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When you register, you get a demo project. You can test main functionality of our service in it by creating orders in a manual way. This demo project is not time-limited.

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Robo calling and telephony options

We have a robot which can call your clients automatically and read any text. You can create these texts on your own or you can also ask for free help of our technical support service in tickets.

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It can be easily set up. You create a sample with a client’s name, his/her address and telephone number of a post office. When a parcel arrives to this post office, robot will automatically start calling your clients and tell them where to go to pick up the parcel.

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This option is called predictive calling. Our technical support service will help you to set everything up. It works this way: robot calls all your orders with no answer and in case a client picks up connects him/her with an operator. Operators won’t have to listen to ringing tone, robot will open order cards of those clients to whom it will be able to reach.

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We do not recommend you to do it. According to the previous experience of our clients, the first contact with customers should be from a real operator. In this case you can offer a cross-sell to a client or program him/her to buy out the product.

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Yes, robot can ask different questions and ask a client to push a certain button to answer, like ”Push Button 1 if you are going to buy out your parcel during two days”, “Evaluate operator’s work from 1 to 5” and etc.

Information about what button a client has pushed comes to the admin panel with orders. Depending on the button pushed by the client it is possible to do other automatic actions.

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The robot cost is not included in the tariff and must be paid separately. It is necessary to have positive balance on LeadVertex to make your robot start calling orders. Money will be written off from your balance.

The price for robo call is 1.8 Rubles per 1 minute + payment of phone service via your telephony provider. Money will not be charged for calls with no answer and for call attempt.

During one minute robot can greet a client, tell him/her the post office address and also inform the client that it is necessary to take a passport – it means it can inform your client on all aspects.

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No, robot calls from 9 am till 9 pm but you can set up this time the way you want it to be, for example, robot can call from 10 am till 6 pm.

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You will be able to see all robot attempts in the order history of changes. Also you can see the history of robot expenses and robo calling statistics in your project.

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Yes, you can ask our technical support service to choose any language for your robot.

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Robot call status can be seen in the admin panel. Depending on this status it is possible to do other automatic actions, like sending an SMS or calling back in an hour, etc.

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You can address to our technical support service. To do this you need to write a ticket and describe robot call schedule the way you want it to be and our specialists will set it up for you according to the schedule.

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You can set up robot the way that in case no one picks up it will automatically call your clients back every 20 minutes or you can choose any other period.

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How to choose a tariff

You can use our tariff for one project during one month. After this time it will be necessary to prolong your tariff.

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Each tariff plan has functions, that needs for different level users.

CRM Tariff includes basic functions. It suits for novice, who will use built-in telephony and built-in integrations with courier services and other useful modules.

If you use services, never integrated to our platform, want to use your own telephony gateway – you need to choose extended tariff plan CRM+. All built-in integrations can be used within your individuals.

For advanced users CRM PRO will be the best choice, which includes all available functions of our service with no order restrictions.

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To choose a tariff you need to answer these key questions:

  1. How many products do you have?
  2. How many orders do you have on average per month?
  3. Do you need access (accounts) for call operators?

Now send us your answers to the consultant window on this page. This information is enough for us to help you choose a suitable tariff.

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If you make a mistake when choosing a tariff, you will be able to change your tariff on your own by clicking a tab “Tariff change, auto-prolongation” or by asking our technical support service for help.

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To use your FTP you need to have your own hosting where all your files, pictures and scripts will be stored. In this case we provide you with a bigger quantity of unique visitors. If you use our hosting, you are provided with a less quantity of unique visitors but you won’t have to worry about the hosting and the work of your landing pages.

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Except for our system domain (we provide you with it for free), you can add your own domains/subdomains to your project to place different landing pages on them. There is a limit in tariffs by the quantity of the total number of domains/subdomains.

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You can send text and voice messages with an address, telephone number and working hours of the post office where your client’s parcel is. This can guarantee to increase buy-out, as your clients will be not only informed that their parcel has arrived to the post office, but they will also know where and when to go.

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Accounts for operators let your operators have their own account and it is possible to provide them with limited access giving them access only to certain order statuses and options.

Accounts for partners make it possible for you to give a third person access to a certain project. This third person can be your employees (managers, logistics specialists etc), as well as advertisers who can place their projects in your partner program.

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‘Incoming calls’ is an option which lets you take under control all your incoming calls. You can attach your number to LeadVertex and publish it where necessary. Thus, when someone calls you, LeadVertex will connect this person with you and will create a new order in the admin panel and will also record your conversation. Even if your mobile phone will be switched off a new order will be saved in your admin panel anyway.

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Call mode is a general admin panel where all orders get according to the time operators have indicated.

To this mode get all the orders that are to be called – both new orders and orders with no answer and also waiting for payment orders that are to be called at a certain time.

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There is a quantity limit for new orders on the Lite tariffs per month. The Lite tariffs are suitable for those users who want to combine different products on one project, the quantity of orders is rather small. You can check the quantity limit for orders on every tariff in the tariff table. In case you go beyond tariff limits, you should prolong your tariff. There are three main tariffs in our tariff table with different options and order quantity limits.

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There is a button “Balance” in the upper part of your account in the menu.

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You can choose any other method of payment by clicking “More” button which you can find to the right of our main methods of payment.

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Wire transfer method of payment is possible. The minimum sum of payment on invoice is … (сумма оплаты на р/с). You can address to our technical support service to prepare a bill for services and provide you with invoice details.

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Registration and project creating

To create a new project you need to choose a tariff according to which you will work. It is necessary to refill your balance in your account with the sum equal to the sum of chosen tariff. Next you need to go to the menu of adding a new project, then click on My projects and Create new.

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A project title can contain only numbers, Latin alphabet letters and a hyphen.

Domain name will be displayed in the name of your system domain which will be provided by the service for your usage and for your employees usage in their accounts.

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Auto-prolongation and auto-prolongation of unique visitors is an option which lets automatically prolong your project without stopping it (when it is expired or limit of unique visitors has been reached) if there is a necessary sum on your balance.

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This is a unit of measure of website visiting. Each visitor obtains cookie so that the second visit of this person will not be counted as a unique visit.

When the quantity limit of unique visitors is reached, the whole functionality will still be available but all new visitors will see a picture saying that it is necessary to prolong service. How to prolong it is described above.

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When creating a new project this option lets copy settings from already created project to a new one.

If you create your first project, please leave this field unfilled.

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Setting up a project and beginning of work

We recommend you to do the following:

  • Send a link of your landing page to our specialists so that they could upload it to your admin panel;
  • Set up domains;
  • Add products to the storage;
  • Create accounts for operators;
  • Set up mass text messaging and telephony;
  • Turn on post and courier services;
  • Set up printing forms.
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We adopt your first landing for your project for free. It can take up to 2 working days. Create a ticket for our technical support service and send a link of your original landing page to it so that our specialists could transfer your landing page.

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If you get orders via API using services of exterior partner programs use our instruction to connect exterior CPA networks. If you need help, provide your partner program with our contact data:



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If your landing page was created with the help of the website builder PlatformaLP.ru and you do not want to transfer your landing page to the system use our instruction to set up integration with this service.

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At first you need to change ns server of your domain to LeadVertex (type in our ns-servers - ns1.leadvertex.ru и ns2.leadvertex.ru). Then add it to your admin panel on LeadVertex

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Yes, both text and voice messages with special tags which fill in real data of your clients.

There is both individual and mass messaging according to certain samples. It is also possible to send messages automatically and inform clients that, for example, the parcel has arrived to the post office. You can set up auto-notification and when parcel status will be changed, the client will get automatic notifications.

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There is a list of logistics services in your project (settings – post and courier services) that are fully integrated in it.

You can turn on necessary modules and fill in data that are necessary for blanks printing and correct module work.

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Consult with our technical support service. Our specialists will create a personal blank in accordance with your desire (describe your task from a technical point of view) on a fee basis, they will also upload it to your project and you will be able to use it anytime.

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Tell your operators to register on the following link: https://leadvertex.ru/operator/registration.html

After that open your project, choose “Operators” and “Invite operators”, fill in all necessary fields and send an invitation.

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Different kinds of statistics are available on our service: conversion statistics with CR, CTR, EPC indications, approve and other important indications, tag statistics for efficiency analysis of traffic sources, statistics for the efficiency of operators’ work, buy-out statistics, webmasters statistics, etc.

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Partner program project and work with webmasters

When you register on LeadVertex.ru, you get a website of your personal partner program. All your offers that you add are placed on this website. Webmasters can register here and start working with your offers. Conditions of webmasters’ work can be established in the settings.

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You can create any unique design for your partner program and you can also place your website on any domain.

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Our service maintains balances of webmasters but payments are made outside our service.

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You need to open the project you need, click on settings – design – sample editor, then open “ / “ folder and upload your picture titled ‘offer’ in jpg or png format.

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When inviting referrals a webmaster receives a charge assessed by the entrepreneur from the sum of confirmed payment (in percent).

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When entrepreneurs invite referrals, they receive payment for the services they have paid. 20% they receive from the first payment of services by a referral, 10% from the future payments.

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Call back application

We work from 8 am till 8 pm (moscow time) every day.
Please state convenient time for calling back at the working hours of our technical support service!