By buyout
The buyout statistics records all orders sent and shows how many of these orders have been redeemed, returned, or still in delivery.
You can access the "Statistics" button.
The statistics look like this:
- Sent - shows how many orders were sent for a given period. Data binding indicator Dispatch, which is fixed when the order is moved to the status with the “Shipped” group.
- Purchased - shows how many orders were sent for the certain period. You can specify specific orders and go to the order card.
- Average bill (bought back) - shows the average amount.
- Refund - the total amount of refunds by days, of those orders that were sent in the selected period, regardless of the date of refund. You can specify specific orders and go to the order card.
- Purchased in the amount - shows the total amount of the repurchase in USD for this period in the context of days.
- Total buyback percentage - it is believed that the ratio of purchased orders is up to 100% multiplied by 100%