​How choose a tariff

What tariffs are exist and which one to choose?

A tariff plan is a package of services that is connected for a project. That is you do not pay for a tariff and then create projects but you select a tariff while creating a project

You can see the tariffs on the website.



If you are a beginner and are just starting to work with CRM, this tariff plan may suit you. With this package you can transfer up to 2 landings to our hosting, connect CPA networks, SIP-telephony for order processing with the possibility to record conversations. The tariff supports up to 1000 orders per month.

We will adapt any landing you like to our service and set up automatic transfer of orders from the landing page to the project. At the same time you will be able to include various promotions and timers on the site, use widgets with reviews and pop-up orders, indicating the buyer's city, add pages with additional sales and online payment to the site. You will be able to track websites using tags and counters. Also the antispam module is available.

If you want to host your website on your hosting or connect another traffic source we have an API that will allow you to set up automatic data transfer from your site to the project. Various CPA networks that you want to work with can easily connect to you when using this tariff.

We have included many basic tools for working with orders and automating business processes in the package. With this package, you will be able to work with already connected delivery services. If you want to use your connection or connect a third-party CC through API tools, you need to choose a tariff plan with advanced features.


The basic tariff plan which is used by most users of the LeadVertex service. The tariff is suitable for both a beginner and an experienced entrepreneur.

With this tariff plan you can add up to 10 operators, 2 (partners) representatives and receive up to 10,000 new orders per month.

You can also connect up to 10 domains/landings to the project if you transfer your landing page to our hosting.

You can connect any number of landing pages and multi-page websites via API.

In the project, you can use free order tracking with bulk upload of track numbers and printing of forms with barcodes. And you can unload orders to the online account of the delivery service connected to us.

This tariff already has automatic address verification and automatic substitution of indexes, anti-fraud, there is a mode for calling orders according to a schedule for the call center, robo calling and predictive dialing, warehouse accounting and other important functions.


The "CRM PRO" tariff is suitable for an advanced entrepreneur, which allows you to add up to 50 operators and receive up to 50,000 orders per month.

Pay attention to the "Hide phone numbers" option which is available on this tariff. The option is not just hide phone numbers but encrypt them. Your operators will not be able to see the encrypted number in the page code.

This is a very useful feature that allows you to make working with operators safe. By hiding phone numbers from operators, you can be sure that your orders will not leak anywhere.

Use this functionality in conjunction with other useful options.

Hide sent and paid orders from operators. Forbid them to choose which orders to call and which not to, by enabling a special calling mode with functional buttons and a call schedule for them. Let your operators communicate only with real clients and not listen to beeps when they fail to call, by enabling a smart robot operator in the project. Regularly listen to call records in the order history, track statistics and create scripts that can be displayed in the order card.

This tariff also supports work with an Advanced API which allows you to unload orders to the online account of any courier/postal service that can be connected via API. Data exchange can occur in a two-way and automatic mode.

Using the Advanced API, it is easy to connect a third-party call center and update order information automatically.

In addition to options for automatic address verification, address substitution, "Call Mode", etc., you can also connect your own useful tools for working with orders using Advanced API.

Unlimited offers

A tariff that is suitable for large advertisers with a big volume of offers.

The tariff has no restrictions on the number of operators in each project, and is also not limited by the number of new orders per month.

Divide work with offers into different projects and collect statistics for each. Or set up projects for different geos.

This tariff is suitable for you if you have a large amount of traffic and users, and you do not fit into the limits of other tariffs, or you plan to create your own call center on our service and offer calling services to other users. Or if you want to create your own small affiliate network and sell leads to other advertisers. Entrepreneurs work on this tariff plan using the dropshipping system.


What does the tariff include? Tariff options

You can understand the operating principle and learn more about the system's capabilities in the Demo project for free after registration. Therefore, you should not rely only on the set of options in the package and the tariff description. Start testing the functionality, and we will help you decide on the tariff.

Find out why the various options are included in the package:

New orders in a month

This is the limit of orders that can come into your project from the moment the project is created or extended until the next payment deadline. After payment, the order counter will be reset.

This means all orders that come into your project from any source. Duplicates will also be counted, but don't worry, because you can enable Antispam which blocks such requests.

When the number of orders in a project reaches the limit the project must be extended or swithched to a higher tariff. If automatic project extension is disabled, the project has not been extended manually or the tariff has not been changed, the acceptance of new orders will be stopped, but work with old orders will not stop, all order cards and all functionality for processing will be enabled.

Please note that the “Unlimited offers” tariff has no restrictions on requests.


The number of personal accounts of operators that can be added within the tariff. If you stopped working with an operator and you need to add another, but you have reached the limit, you do not need to create a new project. It is enough to simply block the operator with whom you no longer work.


The number of personal accounts of representatives within the tariff.


Shows how many domains and subdomains you can add to the project.

In general terms, a domain is an address by which clients can find your site (landing).

A landing is an archive with files that you upload to the project. The catalog with the landing is linked to the domain. Thus, the numerical value of the “Domains/Landings” option in the tariff grid shows how many landings can be advertised at one time in the project at this tariff.

You do not need to worry about this indicator if you receive requests via API.


In order for the landing page to send orders directly to the project where you will work with leads, we set up a copy of the landing page and upload it to the project. Each tariff plan allocates a certain amount of disk space for loading the landing page.

Most often, one landing page can weigh from 1 to 10 MB. Some landing pages can contain audio and video content directly in the archive; they are usually heavier, about 20 - 40 MB.

API for webmasters

Webmasters can use the data transfer tool - API, in their personal accounts.

The API for webmasters provides the following features:

- Getting a list of webmaster orders for a certain period of time

- Getting a list of webmaster orders by their array of IDs

- Getting a balance

- Getting new requests for payment

- The ability to import orders via API (only with the entrepreneur's permission)

API (Advanced)

A full-fledged API that allows you to do the following:

- Getting a list of statuses and the number of orders in each of them

- Getting the ID of all orders in the status

- Searching for orders by parameters

- Getting all order data by its ID

- Editing an order

- Importing orders

And much more. You can see all the methods in the documentation.

This option will definitely be useful to you if you have been working for a long time and have acquired a courier and various useful modules that are not yet connected to us. The integration will be configured through this tool.

Inbound calls

You can publish a special phone number linked to LeadVertex somewhere or receive calls from customers who call back on your missed calls.

When someone calls the number, you can take the call from your mobile phone, and at that time an order with the caller's phone number will be automatically created in the project and your conversation will be recorded. If you do not answer the call or your phone is switched off, then the order with the caller's phone number will still be created and you can call back at any time.


Robotized dialing is a technology that allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of operators and makes it possible to process a third more orders without expanding the staff.

You can make your own text or use ready-made templates (they are for each case: calls for new orders, for redemption, for secondary confirmation, etc.), the robot will call the client and dictate the necessary text, in addition, it can name various order data directly from his card. The robot not only calls the order itself, but also plans the next call and performs various actions based on the call status.

Text SMS

On any tariff plan, you can send text SMS on orders.

Post and Courier Services

On each tariff plan you can work through ready-made integrations with the following delivery and outsourcing services: Russian Post and EMS Russian Post, Nova Poshta, KazPost, Belpochta and EMS Belpochta, CDEK, reWorker, BetaPro, Boxberry, Fan Courier Usend and with many courier services working on the basis of integration with Courier Service 2008 MeaSoft.

Also on any tariff plan, you can order your own personal form according to your layout.

Tracking orders

You can bulk upload tracks to the system or use ready-made integration with the mail personal account. Each track will be displayed strictly for its recipient. The latest parcel status will also be visible in the table with orders. When you click on a track, the entire status history will be available in the system.

Defining post data for SMS

You can send text and voice messages on any tariff. The "Personalized notifications" option allows you to send voice and text messages with the address, phone number and working hours of the post office where your client's parcel is located. On basic tariffs, this option is enabled only for voice messages, on advanced tariffs for both voice and text SMS.

Call mode

Call mode is a convenient order processing system. The system will automatically distribute orders between your operators depending on the time of order receipt or the date and time of the next scheduled call. Operators log in to the system and all they need to do is use the “Start Call” button after processing the order for “Next Order”. When processing an order, special buttons are used that allow you to set the schedule for the next call or change the order status. What happens to the order when using the buttons is set by you.

Account for operators

Your operators can register in the system and get personal accounts. This option allows you to invite operators to one or another of your projects. The operator's access to the project differs from the administrator's access, and is configured very flexibly. The number of personal accounts for operators depends on the selected tariff. Please note that the number of operators is not limited on the “Unlimited Offers” tariff.

Account for webmasters

You can advertise your products and services yourself, through affiliate networks, or attract webmasters to work. On LeadVertex, regardless of the tariff you choose, you can invite an unlimited number of webmasters to work in your affiliate program, who will provide you with orders for a fee.

Hide phone number

Allows you to hide phone numbers in the order card from operators and representatives. With us, numbers are not just hidden, they are encrypted. Your operators will not be able to see the encrypted number in the page code. This is very useful

Call back application

We work from 8 am till 8 pm (moscow time) every day.
Please state convenient time for calling back at the working hours of our technical support service!